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Fades Away
Audiovisual performance
Premiere: 1. October 2021
Fades Away is a visual and physical stage work based on water. It reflects an individual’s choices and actions in relations to the economic state of the world. The work that touches with its strong presence and humane grip, flows in the same rhythm with the spectator’s soulscape, simultaneously reminding of the evanescence of all.
Fades Away trifles with magical visual scenery and everyday realistic comedy, which time after time break and rebuild an illusion of the theatre. The interdisciplinary thinking of MimoArt Company steers clear of known genre definitions: The work operates in contemporary dance, physical mime and -theatre, butoh, and clownery. Fades Aways’s outré movement language, the impressive visuality, and soundscape build an insightful, multidimensional and holistically touching experience.
Fades Away is the second part of WATER TRILOGY -series MimoArt Company. The work is created by an international and interdisciplinary working group. The co-production of MimoArt Company, Dance Theatre Minimi and Dance Theatre Rimpparemmi.
Direction and the visuality of the whole: Mimosa Lindahl, Arto-Oskar Reunanen
Choreography: Mimosa Lindahl
Scenography: Arto-Oskar Reunanen
Light design: Karel Šimek
Video design: Mikko Lampinen
Sound design: Silver Sepp
Pictures: Kai Kuusisto
Costumes: Mimosa Lindahl
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